Treating Venous Disease in St. Louis, Missouri: Expert Advice on Varicose Vein Treatments

Venous disease affects around 40% of women and 20% of men before age 50 in St. Louis. Midwest Vein Care offers first-class varicose vein treatments tailored to individual needs.

Treating Venous Disease in St. Louis, Missouri: Expert Advice on Varicose Vein Treatments

Venous disease is a common condition in the United States, affecting around 40% of women and 20% of men before age 50. In St. Louis, Midwest Vein Care is the main vein treatment center offering a variety of first-class varicose vein treatments. The best treatment for varicose veins depends on several factors and differs from individual to individual.

Therefore, what may work for one may not necessarily work for another. The treatment of venous disease begins with a medical history and examination of the circulation. To determine if you have incompetent valves in your axial veins, causing venous blood backflow, bulging veins, and chronic venous insufficiency, we use color-flow duplex ultrasonography. The smallest cosmetic veins that appear in the skin are called spider veins; we treat them with sclerotherapy. For larger varices, treatment with laser ablation or radiofrequency ablation is comfortable and has no downtime. If your symptoms increase or if you are concerned about the appearance of your veins, Dr.

Rao usually recommends sclerotherapy for smaller veins and laser ablation for larger veins. Sclerotherapy is a procedure in which a solution is injected into the affected veins, causing them to slowly collapse and fade away within a few weeks. Laser ablation is an in-office procedure that uses laser energy to seal the faulty valve and redirect blood flow to healthy veins. In the early development of spider veins, a conservative treatment of compression therapy is often recommended to slow the progression of the disease. Compression therapy involves wearing compression stockings to prevent blood from accumulating in the veins in the legs.

While this may ease the discomfort, it won't fix the underlying problem and the disease will progress, only at a slower rate. For those with large, symptomatic, or bulging varicose veins; or if you have incompetent saphenous veins, endovenous laser ablation may be an excellent treatment option. Using a laser fiber inserted into the vein through a small incision, the laser creates intense local heating that collapses and destroys the vein, and over time, the body will reabsorb and remove it. Microincisional phlebectomy is another treatment option for large, bulging, cord-shaped varices. In the office, under local anesthesia, small micropunctures are made in the skin and the lumpy vein is removed with the help of a small surgical hook. This extracted vein is removed while the part of the vein that remains inside the body is gradually coagulated and reabsorbed. Ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy is also used for large, palpable varicose veins as well as certain veins in the reflux axis.

It is used when certain veins are not clearly visible or when other treatments are not an option. This varicose vein treatment technique is an excellent tool because the sclerosing foam solution is thicker than liquid sclerosing solutions and is more visible on ultrasound. You can take steps at home to relieve symptoms and slow down the progression of venous disease such as wearing compression stockings, elevating your legs when possible, avoiding extended periods of inactivity, and increasing weekly exercise to improve blood flow. MINT accepts most major health insurances and insurance covers medical venous diseases and their treatments. Louis Laser Vein Center offers a variety of payment plans and funding options at our clinic. Midwest Vein Care can help you determine what vein treatments would work best for you based on your unique circumstances and presentation of your current varicose vein disease. If you're suffering from venous disease in St.

Louis, Missouri, Midwest Vein Care can provide you with expert advice on varicose vein treatments that are tailored to your individual needs. Our team of experienced professionals can help you find relief from your symptoms and slow down the progression of your condition.

Patrick Mcspirit
Patrick Mcspirit

Evil tv advocate. Certified pop culture fan. Friendly twitter ninja. Friendly bacon lover. Avid coffeeaholic.