Success Rate of Sclerotherapy for Treating Vein Diseases in St. Louis, Missouri

Sclerotherapy is one of the most popular treatments for varicose veins available today & studies have reported clinical success rates up to 90%. Learn more about sclerotherapy & vein diseases from Thomas Wright M.D., certified phlebologist from St Louis.

Success Rate of Sclerotherapy for Treating Vein Diseases in St. Louis, Missouri

Sclerotherapy is one of the most popular treatments for varicose veins available today. It is a relatively painless procedure that requires no surgery, making it an ideal option for many patients. Studies have reported clinical success rates of 80 to 90% in resolving the injected vessels, with microfoam techniques achieving more than 90% resolution, particularly for telangiectasias, reticular veins and small tributary varices. Sclerotherapy is most commonly used to treat spider veins, but it can also be used to treat varicose veins.

The treatment involves injecting a chemical solution into the vein, causing the walls to swell and stick together, closing off the blood flow and causing the vein to shrink within a few weeks. The number of injections needed depends on the size and location of the veins. Patients may need to wear bandages or compression stockings for a couple of weeks after treatment, but they can return to their normal activities the same day. At MINT, our doctors have extensive experience treating varicose veins and the recurrence rate is low.

However, varicose veins are caused by chronic vein disease which could develop new varicose veins, so leg health must be constantly monitored after the procedure. Venous insufficiency, caused by reflux in the veins in the legs, is also a common cause of restlessness in the legs. Vein problems occur in more than 25 percent of the population and symptoms such as swelling, tenderness, restlessness and fatigue in the legs are often caused by vein disease. Many people with these symptoms don't know that they are due to problems with venous circulation.

Vein insufficiency can be treated well with a laser to close the veins that flow backward. New medical research has shown that treating venous insufficiency can cure RLS symptoms. In fact, in patients with RLS and venous insufficiency, 98 percent alleviated RLS symptoms by treating venous insufficiency, and in 80 percent of patients, the relief was long-term. In light of this new information, it makes sense for anyone with symptoms of restless legs to be evaluated for venous insufficiency with a simple ultrasound.

If found, treating venous insufficiency has the best chance of completely relieving symptoms. For example, patients with venous insufficiency may experience leg cramps. When patients report this symptom, doctors usually check their potassium and calcium levels but they rarely refer patients to a venous Doppler exam even if patients' symptoms worsen after standing up or if they have physical signs of venous insufficiency such as spider veins or skin changes. Vein insufficiency can also cause dermatitis due to venous stasis and cellulite. Patients with venous insufficiency usually develop a rash on their legs called stasis dermatitis due to increased pressure in the capillaries which leads to red blood cells and other inflammatory substances being released which causes a reddish discoloration of the skin.

This rash responds best to lubrication or a mild steroid cream and compression tights or wraps to counteract venous hypertension. Ultimately, the best treatment is to correct the underlying cause of venous insufficiency. In addition, because of the underlying inflammation in the skin, patients with venous insufficiency are also prone to developing cellulitis which is a potentially serious bacterial skin infection most commonly occurring on the skin of the lower legs which can affect both the surface of the skin and underlying tissue. Antibiotics must be used to treat cellulitis; however if the underlying cause is venous insufficiency cellulitis is likely to return if not treated. Thomas Wright M.

D., from St Louis MO was one of more than 200 surgeons in the country certified in phlebology from The American Board of Phlebology. He attended Duke University for his undergraduate degree and earned his medical degree from The University of Missouri in Columbia MO before completing his residency at The University of Alabama at Birmingham. He has authored and presented several scientific articles on surgical techniques in treating venous insufficiency. Venous hypertension is also a common cause of tissue edema in the lower limb and most commonly caused by venous reflux with congestive heart failure being a distant second. Leg edema caused by venous insufficiency is usually worse in one leg and often involves less fluid accumulation than edema caused by heart failure however it can also affect lymphatic drainage resulting in massive edema in the lower leg (veno-lymphedema).

Despite its higher prevalence primary venous insufficiency is often not considered even after heart liver and kidney problems have been ruled out as causes for edema. Before sending a patient with restless legs syndrome to possible lifelong medication with possible side effects venous insufficiency should be checked as a possible cause as correcting venous reflux provides long-term and likely permanent relief. Restless legs syndrome is thought to be associated with several factors including iron deficiency peripheral neuropathy Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders however recent medical research published in Dermatologic Surgery showed that 22% of patients with restless legs syndrome also had venous insufficiency as revealed by Doppler exam. Because both conditions have similar presentations it's important to consider vascular and neurological problems when diagnosing restless legs syndrome as studies show that treating venous insufficiency can relieve symptoms of restless legs syndrome according to a study published in Phlebology 98% of patients experienced relief from restless legs syndrome symptoms by treating their venous insufficiency and 80% had long-term relief.

Patrick Mcspirit
Patrick Mcspirit

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